If you are used to running your own business, you may also be used to paying close attention to the prices of things. Whether you are looking at lowering the price of your utility bills, getting a good deal on your business premises or cheap business phones, being in business usually also involves looking around for value for money.
A matter of perspective
When it comes to finding a cheap telecoms deal, it may not be just a matter of getting the lowest price business phone package available. What may seem "cheap" to someone else may not seem "cheap" to you, when you take into account the products and services that you would receive.
For instance, an all singing all dancing system may seem cheap to a large group of companies, but be way beyond the reach of a sole trader. Accordingly, any telecoms expert who is aware of your budgetary limitations may typically be able to help you select a deal that suits your pocket.
Thinking long term
Getting a cheap business phone system may also depend on the timescale you are thinking about. If you are thinking about getting the cheapest, smallest phone system that you can get away with for the time being, what will happen when your business grows? Would you be able to expand the system's capabilities to cope with a larger volume of calls? If you went for the bargain basement option, you may find that is has to be ripped out and replaced as soon as your business gets too big for it - which does not seem like a good sue of your time or money.
With the help of a professional telephone systems expert, you may find that you are able to choose a system that can grow with your business, which may turn out to be better value long term.
First rate, second hand
At first glance you may be reluctant to consider using second hand business telecoms equipment. However, if the equipment is well made, you may be able to have years of use out of a refurbished cheap business phone system - and no one ever has to know that it is second hand.
Maintenance issues
What would you do if:
your business telecoms system stopped working;
you needed to add another line to your phone system; or
you wanted advice about adding another service to your business telecoms solution?
If you do not have a relationship with a firm of systems maintenance engineers, you may not know who to turn to in these circumstances and end up paying top dollar for emergency call out charges. On the other hand, if you bought your cheap business phone from a firm that had an in house team to give you after sales and maintenance support, you may rest assured that you could always rely on having the support that you need.
Lisa Settle is a Director of Telcare( http://www.telcare.co.uk ) a customer-focused telecoms provider that can take care of all your business telephone system needs, from giving advice through to installation and ongoing care and maintenance.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4767891
Author: Unknown